There is a misconception that being good to the environment can be costly. But it doesn’t have to be! And simple things around your home can make huge changes. Check out these project ideas so that you and your family can start making a positive impact today!
Programmable Thermostat: Every household has preferences when it comes to the inside temperature. But what about when no one is there? Spending the money on installing a programmable thermostat might not be a bad idea. This type of thermostat will allow you to program the temperature inside the house for certain times. In the winter, program it to lower the heat when everyone is at work and school, and while you sleep, and vice versa when it comes to air conditioning and the summer months. Once you program it, it’s one less thought on your mind and you will see the difference in your utility bills!
Clothesline: While convenient, many of your appliances in your home eat up energy non-stop. Your dishwasher, washer and dryer are just a few of the energy-guzzling items you use everyday. While it is a throwback, it is a lot easier to use day-to-day than you think!
Plant Trees: A tree you plant today will be the shade that keeps you cool tomorrow. Well, maybe not tomorrow, but in anywhere from 3-5 years, trees that sit on each side of your house can grow into all-natural shade providers, that will ultimately cool down your house. Inevitably, this will cut down on your A/C costs. Who could say no to that?
Product Check: Do you know what’s in all of the spray bottles you use to clean your home? You might want to double check. There are not only dozens of chemicals in these products, a lot of them are toxic. Create a safer environment for your family by comparing what’s in products and choosing other options. Put some time into your research and you’ll see that there are many home remedies and all-natural ways to clean your house with things that are already in your kitchen!
Want an entire home that is energy-efficient and eco-friendly? Garbett Homes is an energy efficient new home builder in Salt Lake City that offers some of the most green homes in Salt Lake City.