Most cities in the western world turn a deaf ear to reports of air pollution. After all, except for a few offenders such as Los Angeles and, at times, New York City, the air quality outside is okay. What many people don't realize is that the air inside their homes may be a bigger threat to their health. When you spend as much time inside as people do in the modern world, poor air quality can have serious consequences. Salt Lake City is ranked as the 7th most air polluted city in America, so those looking for Salt Lake City real estate should take care to improve the quality of their new homes.
1. Poor air quality can cause or worsen asthma and allergies
The most common pollutants in a home are also the most common culprits for allergy and asthma attacks. Dust mites, pollen, pet dander and other microscopic particles can irritate the airways and cause attacks. One of the easiest ways to fight this problem is by replacing the air filters in a home with high-grade filters that can capture smaller particulates that would pass through less powerful filters. Many new homes for sale will often have built-in filtering systems in their HVAC systems, but not always.
2. Respiratory congestion and illness are common
People living in homes in Salt Lake City with chronically low air quality will often have respiratory congestion they can't explain. However, Denice, one of our customers, has not used her inhaler in the 1 year and 9 months since moving into her new home (click here to watch her story). Garbett Homes uses a state-of-the-art ERV clean air system to ensure homes have fresh, clean air inside of them. Fatigue, headaches, watery eyes and other minor, unexplainable illnesses can also be attributed to low air quality. While opening windows and allowing circulation of air throughout the home can help, investing in an indoor air filter is a smart option. Homeowners should also look into carbon monoxide detectors, as low levels of CO buildup throughout a home can cause lingering health issues that are undetectable at the doctor's office.
3. Long-term exposure to polluted air can affect the cardiovascular system
When we breathe, oxygen attaches itself to hemoglobin in the blood. Poor air quality can affect the cardiovascular system, and some studies have linked air pollution to atherosclerosis and other serious disorders. Take the time to change your air filter every three months. Homes in Salt Lake City with pets and small children will need to replace their air filters more often. If the air in your house feels or smells stale, the air quality may be poor. Take what steps you can to correct this problem not only for your own health, but the health of your entire family.
Garbett Homes builds homes for sale in Salt Lake City according to the latest EPA guidelines for air quality, ensuring that future owners can rest easy knowing the air they breathe is clean.